With over 10 years’ experience and vast knowledge of the various relevant process, Miss IP experts, professionals and consultants are proud to provide the best legal services and consultancy in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Europe for all the ventures related to trademark services, patent and design, copyright relevant services, anticounterfeit. Moreover, the provided services extended to include all other Intellectual property safeguarding such as:
Customs Recordals
Customs recordal is one of the Intellectual properties related legal actions that are not obligatory though highly recommended in many regions. Intellectual properties owners can utilize customs recordals for enforcement at the borders. Intellectual Properties that could be recorded ideally include copyright, patents and trademarks, list differs par region and local laws. It is one of the measurements pursued to safeguard the legal rights of authentic and original production creation.
Plant Variety Registration
Miss IP experts guarantee the most effective and universal plant varieties registration services across the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Europe markets. Plant variety means a defined group of plants picked from within a species, with common characteristics. Breeding new varieties necessitates expertise, time, finance, etc. This requires safeguarding the interests of plant breeders, protection is pursued through Intellectual Property (IP) Law. Miss IP professionals provide the best registration services and legal consultation needed for business owners and breeders to protect their rights resulted from the effort and money invested in production and exclusive breeds cultivation globally and market based.
Legal Translation
Miss IP provides one stop for all needed legal services and consultancy, including legal translation. The translation needs to be accurate and solid to avoid any undesired legal consequences. If a legal document is improperly translated it could and very much will affect business’ rights. There for, all Intellectual rights required documents for example must be accurate and true to the original.
Trademark Advises
A trademark is a sign a competent logo or a design that holds the ability to enable others distinguishing goods, services, production, or entity of one enterprise from others. Intellectual property rights are created and enforced to protect the owners of such trademark’s owners and their rights to them and their trademark exclusivity. However, it could be licensed to another party to use in exchange for agreed payment. Miss IP experts and professionals take pride in providing the best trademark advises and consultancy as per the your region/ market of interest.